Sunday, March 14, 2010

One day at a time

My Big Book tells me that my disease is cunning, baffling, and powerful. As I reflect on the past 1,349 days, it occurs to me that today is all I really have. Each of us has today. Today is enough for me. Today is the first day of daylight savings time, which is the beginning of the good part of riding season. I'm not really sure what riding season is though, since I ride every day. Today I went to church and did not teach Sunday School. That was different and weird, but cool, as I had the opportunity to learn from Bishop Rob. I like learning new things. I believe that as long as I can learn something new, and unlearn something wrong that I thought was true, then I will never grow old. My body might, but I won't.

A young grandmother in our church celebrated her first year of clean and sober time. Her whole family was there. I couldn't help but notice some of the toughest men I know, (brothers of mine) weeping tears of joy along with this young woman and her family. We too know what its like to be freed from bondage, and celebrating with one another never gets old.

Rob reminded me that opportunities from God are infinite or circular, and if we miss it this time, it will come around again. There is great hope in this. I'm grateful that God allowed me to live long enough to experience sobriety. Its not that hard for me today, if I 1)pray to God, 2)go to meetings, 3)read the Good Book and the Big book, 4) Help someone else 5) oh and NOT DRINK. Then that is a succesful day.

If somehow I screw up some part of my day, today, I can simply start over. Not tomorrow, but right now. That is a part of the freedom I now enjoy. I was also reminded that we are all in, or have been, in bondage to something. Only God has the power to set us free, but since He is a gentleman, He will not take anything from us that we won't let go of.

Each day has a supply of adventures and opportunities ready for me to experience. I don't want to miss out on what God has for me by regrets of yesterday or worries for tomorrow. Life is a journey on a winding and hilly road. I don't want to miss any of it, therefore I choose to ride on thru and collect some good memories, experience, and maybe a little wisdom that can help someone else on their journey.

Keep the shiny side up.

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